Start Your Own Vegetable Patch

Take the lead from National Vegetarian Week and start your own vegetable patch.

Improve your 5-a-day!

Whether you’re vegetarian or not, we can all reap the rewards of growing our own vegetables.

Proven to be higher in nutrients, antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A, growing your own is not only a healthier way of consuming your 5-a-day but can save you money and improve your physical wellbeing.

Sunny garden allotment

Have Some Fun

The act of preparing & growing your own vegetable patch can be a fun activity that involves the whole family.

It is a brilliant way to introduce children to different vegetables, involve them in deciding what to plant and have fun finding exciting ways to cook your produce.

Spending some time outside and growing something from a seed is both satisfying and great physical exercise.

Make New Friends

Why not rent an allotment space?

They are a great way to make new friends, swap ideas and learn from each other.

Or follow one of the fantastic blogs such as or join an online community such as Gardening UK on Facebook to chat to other like minded people.

close up of carrots
sunny garden allotment with polytunnels

Veg Quick Start Guide


Choose an area that gets full sun and is reasonably sheltered. Divide the area into four sections with a cross of paths.

Ideally create raised beds these will allow you to deepen your top soil, improve drainage and allow earlier and longer cropping of your veg.

raised timber garden beds


Structure the space by allocating the four beds to different plant groups;

  • one for roots (new potatoes, beetroot, carrots)
  • one for legumes (beans, peas)
  • one for salad & herbs
  • the fourth for a hotchpotch of courgettes, sweetcorn and leafy greens

For future years, move each section or family of vegetables within your plot each year called “crop rotation” to reduce pests and maintain soil fertility.

close up of lettuce growing in soil and hand picking it


Have fun, try out new vegetables or varieties you wouldn’t normally eat, find interesting recipe ideas, get the kids involved and enjoy!

For more information:

16-22 May 2016  #nvw16  #nationalvegetarianweek

rainbow of raw vegetables

Traditional Garden Paving