2 July 2023
July Gardening Jobs
We are halfway through the Summer months and with plenty of floral displays on offer, it is a joyous time to be in the Garden. Our July Gardening Jobs include some key jobs to do and a fun project for the whole family to try while soaking up the sun. July is all about pottering! Deadheading flowers, pulling out the sun-loving weeds and making sure plants and crops are well watered. Check out our June Tips for any last-minute maintenance.
What to plant
While the harvest is abundant in July. There are still some crops that can be planted this month. The following can be sown directly into the ground or containers outside on the patio. If you have seedlings they too can be planted outside now.
- Vegetables: Beans, carrots, celery, lettuce, peas, potatoes, radishes, spinach, and turnips.
- Flowers: Biennials such as foxgloves, honesty, sweet rocket, and stocks.
- Herbs: Coriander, dill, parsley, and mint.
It is also a good time to plant out young plants of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants.

Top Tips for Sowing & Planting
- The soil should be moist but not waterlogged.
- The plants should be protected from strong winds and direct sunlight.
- The plants should be watered regularly, especially during hot weather.

What to harvest
July is the time to reap what you have sown throughout the past year with a supply of fresh fruit and vegetables such as:
- Fruit: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, plums, and nectarines.
- Vegetables: Courgettes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, beans, peas, carrots, potatoes, and lettuce.
- Herbs: Basil, mint, parsley, chives, and oregano.
It is important to harvest crops when they are ripe to ensure the best flavour and nutrition. Some crops, such as courgettes and tomatoes, can be harvested multiple times, so you can enjoy a continuous supply of fresh produce throughout the summer.
Top tips for harvesting crops in July
- Use a sharp knife or garden shears to cut crops.
- Harvest crops in the morning or evening when the temperatures are cooler.
- Store crops in a cool, dark place.
Top 5 July Gardening Jobs
A few little jobs to tick along with in between the BBQ's on the garden terrace sunbathing and outdoor games. Ensuring you get the most out of your garden, this month and the next.
#1 Weeding
Weeds, like all plants thrive in the sunlight. So it is imperative that they are kept on top of during the summer months. Start with one area and rotate around so you can keep a note of where to go next. Spending just half an hour a week can be beneficial in keeping those pesky weeds at bay.
#2 Take a Moment
Take the time to be present in your garden this month. Enjoy and harness the warmth and energy of the sun. maybe sit quietly and take a moment to appreciate all of your hard work from the previous months. Take stock of how far the garden has come and where you want to take it next. Maybe try one of the mindful garden activities from our Wellbeing In The Garden blog.
#3 Dead Heading
Deadheading bedding plants and perennials will ensure new growth and a longer-lasting floral display. Pinch or cut off the dead or wilting flower stem just below the flower and above the first set of healthy leaves. Use pruning shears, garden clippers or a pair of scissors depending on the thickness of the stems. According to the RHS:
Tender plants growing in beds, containers and hanging baskets respond well to deadheading. The faded blooms of argyranthemums, cherry pie, pansies, polyanthus and petunias can be removed with finger and thumb.
#4 Planning
Start planning for next spring - think about what seeds and plant you would like to use and find a reputable place to buy. Sketch out any new areas or designs you have been thinking of while sitting in the garden, and maybe even make a mood board using Pinterest. Take time to plan a sociable patio area that suits all your needs whether that's an outdoor kitchen, a bar or an outdoor cinema.
#5 Conserve Water
July can be one of the hottest months here in the UK but we still get our fair share of summer rainfall. With higher temperatures drying out the pots and ground quicker than other months. Conserving water is an eco-friendly and easy way to keep plants watered, without wasting unnecessary water supplies. Ni Direct has lots of useful tips on how to conserve water. Including the use of greywater & how to install water butts.
July Project - Hanging Tin Can Planters
This is one the kids and big kids can get involved with! Save up all of your pull-top tin cans whether they are beans or tomatoes, sweetcorn or custard.
1. Use warm water to peel off the labels if any glue is present, wash thoroughly and leave to air dry.
2. Next, using a hammer and masonry nail, carefully punch holes into the base of the tin for drainage and then punch one near the top of the can for hanging.
3. Then it's time to get creative use metal paint testers in bright colours to add a real pop of colour or stick to neutrals for a classy and timeless display.
4. Once dry, fill with a handful of gravel for drainage then compost and your favourite bedding plants like pansies or lobelia and give them a good water before hanging them up on a wall or fence using masonry nails.

July Gardening Tip Videos
The best Youtube has to offer on what plants and vegetables you can still plant and harvest in July.
While every effort has been made to share high-quality information, Westminster Stone are not responsible for any of the content within any of the above links.
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